Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Who do you say I am?
Now I see that’s the question I’ve been fumbling with in my clumsy hands.
Who do you say I am?
It’s the hardest one to answer and now I wrestle with whether I even can.
Who do you say I am?
Now I truly realize on this answer everything else stands. Jesus demands to know where my allegiances lie, yet I’m speechless.
I don’t have an answer, less any confidence to declare it with.
But I know the way I answer this question changes everything.
I know no matter what I say, I must stand in faith. Is Jesus who the Bible claims him to be? Or is he not?
Who do you say I am?
I’ve been living in this tension for so long, floating in this realm of indecision as time tics on, afraid to answer for fear that I could be wrong.
But in order to move forward I must choose. I must give answer or sink into the pit of despair, gasping for air as I wander and squander my life in uncertainty.
No longer is the crutch of “I don’t know enough” able to hold me up in this dark world.
For I will never know enough to be certain.
So based on what I know, I must give answer. Yet willing to continually grow in knowledge and depth of insight, humbly seeking to know Truth as it truly is.
So now, as I go, as cultures collide and crash, as my comfortable paradigm is utterly smashed, I must answer the question I’ve been asked.

So. Who do you say I am?

1 comment:

  1. Faith is the overcoming of doubt by an act of will. No proof is available nor is any required. Proof is a faith killer. You have studied long and hard, and seek Him diligently. He knows you and loves you and has wonderful things planned for you. Be fearless!
