Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Today I got to talk with one of the kindest, wisest, most brilliant men I know. It was a short conversation, but completely altered my mindset going into this journey to China. After he left, I couldn't concentrate on anything except what he said. So I decided to write it down so I wouldn't forget.

Just embrace China.
Why must you stand for truth? Can it not stand on its own? Why must you put such pressure on yourself to be known as the Christ follower and make his name known? Why not just soak in what it has to offer, taking it as it is, the beauty and joy of it all. Why not let yourself live in the moment you occupy, not forcing things, yet not squandering opportunity, but treasuring each moment that goes by for what it is. Opening yourself to see. Letting it wash you of impurity and envelop with simplicity. Allowing yourself to truly receive what it has to give. Break the chains you’ve bound yourself with and simply live. Allowing the beauty and simplicity to wash over you, that being your testimony of Truth for all who choose to let themselves see. Now this is not an excuse to not bring Jesus, but in fact bringing Jesus by simply doing that. You can query and process when you get back.
What relief I have found in the words he speaks, a crushing weight of pressure lifted from my being as this journey can again be seen as an adventure. Free to live life. To simply be. To take it as it is and allow myself to see and feel the joy and fullness of it all. You’d think since it’s in ink under my skin it would sink in, but alas, with that conversation, the ink of those words seeps a little deeper, entering my veins and bringing a new life. A spark of Truth igniting a fire fueling a full life. One that I truly look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your thoughts as it helps me work through my own questions, I pray that my own thoughts may in some small way help you do the same, as well encourage you in your journey...
    I think that enjoying the simplicity of life will definitely be an encouragement to your heart and give your mind some time to rest–that's definitely what Rwanda did for me. Sometimes I find myself so involved in investigating the meaning of life that I forget to enjoy the life set before me. Then, when I stop investigating and start experiencing what life has to offer, I have found that that's where Christ seems to meet me, showing me that he is the answer to all of my life, not just my intellect.
    Love you dear. Hope China and Justin are treating you well.
