Pokémon go. My first thought was please, Pokémon go away. I
thought it was a dumb fad. But now I’m beginning to realize there’s more to it
than that. Have I played it? No. but have I been around people who do? Yes. And
through that I’ve seen the possibilities and opportunities made through this
game. It’s something my generation relates to, the 90s coming back again. And
it gets people outside. Gamers in particular, who don’t see the light of day
because they’re glued to a screen, are emerging from their caves into the light
of day to catch em all.
Yet in practice, I’ve witnessed the social aspect also
encompassed in this game. Walking around a park and seeing nearly everyone
under 40 looking down at their phones, alert for when the Pokémon become known.
Some are walking, some are driving, but I noticed something else. People talk
to each other. In this day and age when people can walk across town without
even glancing up, let alone conversing with a stranger, Pokémon go has created
a common ground for people to start on. Telling each other where certain Pokémon
are, directing each other to the gyms and so much more. They actually speak.
And they’re all civil, even kind, all reaching for the same goal of whatever
you do to win at Pokémon go. I have mixed feelings for it, especially when
people stop their cars in the middle of a lane to catch a ________. It’s
fascinating. Something I don’t understand, but I am mesmerized by all of the
facets of it. Pokémon go, my opinion is still forming on you, but I can’t deny
that you do have benefits and things that hold you a little higher
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