Thursday, August 25, 2016

One Right Answer?

Does God have a specific will? A certain direction I must take in order to make my life the most it could be? Is there the possibility of me making a mistake and ruining the flow of things for more than just myself?
That’s a lot of power to give me as a human being.
Is there a right path to take, a correct decision I must make in the direction I should be going? Can I mess up? Is there one will of God?
That’s a lot of pressure on myself to take a step in the right direction.
Or is this a decision I must make based on my thoughts and tastes, my opinions and the direction I want to take?
To stay or to go.
To board the plane again? To study? To strive always to find a deeper meaning and purpose? Or to learn to find contentment anywhere. Either here or there.

My dream is to find it everywhere.

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