Sunday, January 5, 2014

Walking Forward

What a week. From the Ohio to Chicago to the DR to Florida to Costa Rica. So many friends, old and new, so many things to see and even more things to do (and some of which I don’t really want to).  All this going has grown in me a deeeeep appreciation for rest, for knowing what lies ahead, for being still and in one place long enough to get bored. But seeing as this is not quite possible, I will choose to walk forward and embrace the present, ready to receive what it holds.
It’s amazing the people you meet when you walk forward. It’s incredible the things you experience as you come empty, ready to receive that which is for just that, what it is, not what it should be. 
Spending time with my sister, the brilliant Kimberly, who many love and aspires to be. I’ve learned so much from her deep loyalty and conviction for what she believes to be reality. Such influence she holds, and such love for those she calls friends. Her intelligence is incredible and her potential unimaginable. What life we experienced together, even for those short days. I’m not sure if she’d say the same, but I’m thankful to have gotten to be a part of her last days there.
Then off to Santo Domingo where I wasn’t really sure what was going on or where I was staying, but again, there was provision. After meeting the nice young couple in front of me with their son, I waited for quite some time for the man with the sign that Maria said would come. It wasn’t exactly my name and there was another name I did not know, so I hesitated to go up to this stranger. But after he called for me on the pager I realized this must be him and so this kind man drove me to the hotel that’s Maria’s family owns. Moreno took care of me and gave me the key to a room where I could stay for free. Maria’s mom called to make sure I got there safely and all was taken care of. After a nice rest I called Evalina and she ended up coming to meet me. After walking up and down Zona Colonial and seeing all the new things to see I resolved to watch a man paint an incredibly beautiful scene with unbelievable ease. The painting drew me in and I just watched, feeling something move deep within. His strokes were effortless and the results faultless, oh how I would love to be a painter.
But then I saw Evalina! And her husband and his son, and she invited me to stay with her and she would drive me to the airport the next day for my flight. Seeing as I didn’t know how I would get there otherwise, I agreed graciously and we called Maria to get everything straightened out. After hearing about Christianity in the DR and eating wonderful DR food, we talked more and Maria came and joined us. So good to see her as well, what fun we’ll have in April. We had an adventure at Yogun Fruz where the guy working there was very interested that I was American and talked to us most of the time we were there. Then he walked us home to make sure we got there safe and soon after Maria left.
I woke up pretty late and enjoyed another great meal, almost didn’t make it to the airport, but everything worked out and I made my flight. Sat next to Miguel who got a little plane sick but was quite nice and had cornrowed hair. And beside him was Figue, who’s a minor league ball player. And what a nice guy he was. Helped me beat the system and bypass paying for my huge backpack. We tag teamed watching our luggage and he even bought food from the majorly overpriced food shack. Our conversation was real and it was sweet to talk about something deeper than surface and hear another perspective and life experience, for it’s those conversations that heal.
After he left I still had several hours and proceeded to meet 3 travelers from America, raft guides, who were headed to CR to party hard. Quite interesting fellows, the kind that don’t know a stranger but can make anyone feel welcome.
Finally our flight left and I got to San Jose around 2:30, but had to wait there till 9 for someone to come get me. I attempted to sleep outside at the gate but after a while a nice fellow told me I could wait inside where it was warmer and there were more people. So I found a spot in the corner and attempted to get comfortable and tried to sleep a few hours. I was partially successful, but the constant noise of the travelers and stamping of the exit taxes made it difficult. When I awoke there was a kind older man sitting next to me who proceeded to ask me questions and say quite a few profound things. He was very genuine and very encouraging. Maybe his writing club will fly me to Canada to speak…wouldn’t that be a treat!
Finally I went down to wait for my ride and there were quite a few young Americans. I figured they were ISA but I couldn’t be sure, so I just waited and fought to keep my eyes open. They were, indeed, all ISA and we drove to the office where the families we’d stay with came to receive us. Mama Tica came to get me and has proven to be quite fun. After unpacking and sleeping Kelly finally arrived and we talked and ate and went to the “Christmas fair”, filled with rides and small coasters, food everywhere, so much to see and take in. I am surprised at how much I understand, but I am constantly humbled by what I don’t. I hope I don’t spend all my time with Americans, but I don’t want to write off time with them and bypass life and fun by wistful thinking. But what to ticos do for fun? Party and dance? Where will I fit into all this? How will things unfold? I guess time will tell. I look forward to meeting people who share similar beliefs and values and experiencing life as they do, but part of me is scared that that life will be incredibly boring. I’m seeing pulls to things I never though I would because my bubble is being shattered and I’m seeing how much bigger it all is. But alas, in the eye of the storm there is such peace.

I don’t pretend to understand it all, and I am constantly asking for humility, but I will walk forward in expectancy. I pray this disconnect between life and faith is erased and all is united once again. With no idea what this semester will look like with all the time it looks like we’ll have and all the people I could meet and befriend, so many choices and options, I will walk forward. Part of me is still looking back, thinking maybe studying elsewhere would have been better, but it’s too late for that. So I will walk forward. Part of me wishes I had someone who knew me on this trip with me, but that did not happen. Yet. So I will walk forward. Part of me just wants to sit and read, being a recluse and bypassing adventures to sleep. But that’s too easy. So I will walk forward. Not alone. Never alone. “My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.” I will walk forward.

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