Monday, August 24, 2015

Connected. from February

Everything seems to be connected. Like a ball of yarn that winds and wraps around the earth, life is interwoven together in a way that can’t be ignored. Although I’ve been ignorant of it for 21 years, with a glimpse here or there of the seeming connectivity.
But it’s all connected. The physical. The emotional. Even spirituality.
When my body is off, this illness of whatever kind it is inside me, it overflows into my emotional mood, the way I relate to the people surrounding me. It brings my mood down into the depths, a reflection of how I physically feel. Or physical exhaustion is directly proportionate to emotional exhaustion, both leading to doubt and spiritual oblivion.
As humans, we are multi-dimensional, multi-faceted, but these multis are all related and united in each of us. And they’re connected to each other on top of that.
When I feel spiritually distant from God, doubting his goodness and reality, I distance myself from those around me. I push them away, hoping to stay protected, as I attempt to protect myself from God. When I am fighting what God is doing, I find that I’m fighting those I care most about, for no apparent reason. When I’m fighting to find my identity, over who I am in Christ, I find that I fight everyone close in my life, not allowing myself to see me as worthy of their unmerited love. Their patience. So I fight. My relationship with God overflows into my relationship with other.
Does that mean my interaction with him in submission, in love, will also be reflected? This is what they mean when they say the most important thing at the end of the day is to be in right relation with God. Because everything else dangles from that aspect, that fact.
Just like x/y=y/z, they’re directly proportionate, connected in every way that I can see. Man to man, god and humanity. The physical affects the emotional which affects the spiritual and everything in-between. We are holistic beings. Which is why taking care of ourselves, being good stewards of the bodys our souls shelve should be a major priority. No wonder I doubt exponentially more when I’m physically or emotionally exhausted. And when I’m doubting it exhausts me on every level.
And how we relate to each other. It all comes back to the pyramid. It all overflows from that.
And across space and time, we are connected as humanity.

I know I don’t usually see it, but it is seen in the liturgy. In the way we see each of these things. The same words are being said all over the world.

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