Tuesday, March 24, 2015

A Sample of Costa-Rica-Inspired Thoughts

Such an interesting concept.
So many people all crammed into the same place, yet none acknowledging a single stranger.
So many people moving. Going. Leaving.
So many people in transit.
Far transit, otherwise they’d drive.
It’s crazy how close the proximity, yet how great the distance.
Each in their own worlds, focused on the world in their palms, totally withdrawn from any human interaction.
Unless of course they travel in groups.
Then their attention is split between the world at their fingertips and the nucleus of humanity that is their travel group.
And I’m just as guilty as the next person.
Is it that I’m simply exhausted? Or introverted? Or just not open for a new conversation?
So do I take my headphones out and risk spending the time and energy to actually participate in the world around me?
I guess we shall see.

Hip hop:
This culture. It’s so different. Unique. Tightly knit
It’s so interesting how different things draw and unite people together.
Some seem to from stronger bonds than others.
I wonder why that is.
Is it based on the level of commitment to that thing?
On the degree of identity placed in it?
What is it that causes us to forget our differences and draw so deeply on that one thing that we have in common.
It’s quaint.
Gay pride. Christ’s body. The music or dance or drama scene.
All examples of that bond played out.
Lived out.
Yet they stand for such different things.
What causes people to do the unthinkable, spend unimaginable amounts of money, travel unreasonable distances. Catholic or Muslim devotion.
The worship of material things. The visiting of ancestry homelands.
How humanity works.
It fascinates me.
Causes me to wonder why we are the way we are.
Which could drive me to psychology, history or divine mystery.
So I don’t have an answer, but it’s interesting to think about.
To toss around my mind.
Why are we so connected to where we came from? Why is the connection and commitment to family this unbreakable love, even against all reason?

They’re everywhere.
People on the streets.
Disfigured, crippled, or without work.
Asking, begging for money.
Some selling trinkets and candies.
Others just shaking their nearly empty cups.
Of course, some making up stories and scamming up and down the street, but others are truly and gravely in need.
So what do we do? Is possible greed a justification to ignore them all?
Does it matter where their story falls on the Truth spectrum?
But what’s enabling and maybe even hurting in the long run and what’s lending a hand and an offering of love.
Back then they shared everything in common. Does that mean just within the church? Or to all?
What our call to stewardship of money and  stopping and sharing in someone’s story of affirmation and redemption?
Giving gift cards?
A conversation?
A meal?
How do we love and affirm humanity.
How do we love selflessly as Christ loved me.
The sheer number in the streets is overwhelming.
I want to love well. To live well. With my life as a telling testament of the gospel.

So what do we do now?

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