Monday, January 5, 2015

You're not the boss of me

Driving down the road, that’s all I see.
On both sides of the streets.
Each with distinct employees.
Each employee with distinct dreams.
Will they ever be achieved?
Or will they settle for monotony.

Closing in.
In on every side.
Side by side are pressure I put on myself and pressure from outside.
At some point I’ll have to decide.
What to do. Where to go.
But does that time have to be now?
My eyes ache from staring at the screen, browsing job openings.
What are my dreams?
What is happiness?
What is contentment regardless of situation?
Where is the balance between striving to realize those dreams and learning to be satisfied wherever life may lead?
I don’t know.
And I think that’s okay.
At least for now.

It screams at me.
You need a job.
No, you need two or three.
But to what end?
If employment is simply a means to live, then to what end do I work?
Yes, I know that work is a good thing, a gift from God, but does that mean it consumes every part of me?
The motivation to simply make money?
It repulses me, in a way.
But it also makes sense in that making money enables me to serve the community.
A platform of relationships.
An opportunity to grow in areas that I didn’t know exist.
So pressure, press on.
I dare you.
But by the grace of God I won’t cave.
I’ll maintain the perspective that a job is a gift, and opportunity, not the boss of me.
You’re not the boss of me now.

And you’re not so big.

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