Monday, January 12, 2015


It’s okay to make mistakes.
It’s okay to be wrong,
To step out and fall on your face.
A baby never learned to walk without crawling,
And he sure didn’t learn without falling,
Falling down, falling into the wrong crowd.
Falling and failing is what creates a strong man.
How can you learn when there’s never anything to be learned from?
Regrets teach us and scars remind us of where we’ve been.
So we can learn and grow and mature.
So walk forward.
Maybe even run.
Don’t be afraid because the sun never ceases to set, just like we will walk forward so why not learn from out pasts.
Walk. Step. Try. Fall. Fail. Walk in the wrong direction.
Seek to know what a life with character is.
A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are made for.
So take risks. Take a chance. Take a break. See where it goes.
Maybe nowhere. But maybe somewhere. How will you know if you don’t try?
If you don’t scrape your knee and shed a few tears as you cry from the ground.
But after the wound is bound, you now have a new perspective, a new way to walk, a new view of all that is about you.
So walk.
It’s okay.
Yes, you’ll slip. Yes, you’ll trip. Or maybe even be tripped.
But that’s okay.
It’s better that way than to be locked in a cage and afraid to move for fear of doing something wrong, your song caught in your throat for fear of singing it wrong, your feet numb from standing in the same place so long.
So go. Walk. Make mistakes.
And feel the freedom to do that with the knowledge that your father will always take you back.
He catches you when you fall, but its not until then that you realize his strong hands are even there at all.
So fall. Fall into him. Fall in love. Fall of your horse.
Fail. Fail at your job. Fail in this area or that. Just don’t sit stagnant, the paralysis of analysis preventing you from moving.
Hey. Just remember.

It’s okay to make mistakes.

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