Saturday, April 25, 2020

April 24. I'm learning.

Accelerated Resolution Therapy. ART. Cognitive Behavior Therapy. CBT. Medication. Meditation. Reading and workbooks. Reflection and long walks. Savoring and good talks. Letting go of perfection. Allowing myself to be human. These are a few of the things that have been recently bringing me healing.

I'm my own worst critic. I have unrealistically high standards for myself, and at my worst, I project those onto others as well. I generally absorb all of the blame, thinking everything is my fault and I need to do better in this exhausting game. I move so fast through life, moving cities and countries quite often, never really allowing roots to grow or the ground to soften. I have so many experiences that have subconsciously shaped me, but I haven't taken the time to process them and see their reality.

I'm learning to slow down.
To breathe.
To be present in the moment and recognize the beauty.

I'm learning that it's not always my fault. That yes, of course there are things I could've done differently, but instead of beating myself up for that, I can use those as opportunities for growth. I'm learning that sometimes the environment and situation has more of an impact on relationships that I'd like to admit. I'm realizing that my stress boxes have been maxed out, and anyone else in my situation would probably also be breaking down. I'm realizing that mental health is so important and so vital to health in other areas of life. I'm realizing that it's okay to take time for yourself. To invest in yourself so that you can be a better friend and help for others down the road. I'm learning that I don't have to have it all figured out right now. That change is an inevitable part of life, and it's not necessarily a bad thing.

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