Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Today I stole away, sat under my favorite tree, wrote, and remembered how good it is to just listen to music and let it wash over you. When I can't seem to express myself in Spanish and my mind is fried from trying, when I'm not sure who to talk to or what I'm even thinking, I write. But I'm also learning that sometimes it's best to just stop thinking and to just be. To listen. Be still. So here are two of the songs I listened to. Two songs that breathe life and speak deeply to a soul caked with thoughts and questions and opportunities and analyzation. It's like water that softens the dirt and slowly washes it away so the soul can truly see again, and can be seen again.
Listen. Look. Learn. Let life happen. Live fully in it. Live Life. Engraved forever on my wrist, yet I forget it so quickly. These songs have a way of washing the dirt off my wrist and revealing the words that I never want to forget. The command and the object which we now possess. Washed anew by this music, I am reminded of the beauty of living.

Let's be still:

Wash me Clean:

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