Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Smelling the roses

I seem to only write when I’m sad or struggling or depressed, and that’s not quite fair, because not my whole life is a test and a trial. Yes, I struggle daily, but that doesn’t mean I never smile and laugh and break away from the grasp of my intellectual mind to live freely, embracing all that is my life. There are so many good things that I neglect to see because I’m so caught up in what’s off or the things ought to be. I know the pictures on Facebook show quite an adventure, but my words seem to show a different side. I’m not trying to hide either side, so to give a fuller perspective of the adventure of life, here are a few of the favorite things of mine.

Sweet mornings where the clouds roll off the mountains as if they were going to sweep you away into the ocean of blue, lifting you off your feet and carrying you farther than the eye can see. The full moon reflecting off the water, the stars so bright, the sun setting behind the mountain, the moon on rising on the other side, the colors illuminating the sky just right. A fresh baked pastry that melts in your mouth, a refreshing frescito of mango and pineapple. Meeting someone new and understanding everything they say, or even having the courage to start a conversation anyway. Taking the long way around the university just to see if I run into anyone I may recognize or have already met. Restful nights in the house watching a movie, doing homework or going to POPS for some ice cream. Attempting to figure out the bus system with success, discovering a new spot to steal away and to rest. Going dancing (latino style) with good friends, exploring the city and surrounding towns and finding out that they are not exactly what we thought they would be. Going to a friends house, drawing buildings and sketches of houses. Eating so much good food that I don’t know what to do. Fresh juice and fresh fruit every morning. Essentially getting paid to surf and having some good friends teach me what they’ve learned on their home turf. Sitting by the water in a tree with a sweet soul, quietly reading and resting as the waves lap the sand at our feet. Wandering aimlessly just to get familiar and see what there is to see. Learning and practicing new words I learn, learning that some are fine and some are bad, learning to be cautious on who I trust to teach me stuff. Laughing about the way people here say “pizza,” then eating it 4 days in a row…..Sadly now I must go, but more will come as time goes on. Because I’m learning that nothing robs life more than a self-consumed attitude, and nothing breathes life and joy like gratitude, a right perspective, and a humble attitude centered on Truth.

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