Friday, July 10, 2015

A Body United.

There’s something beautiful about unity.
About unity amidst diversity.
About a bond that supersedes any disagreement.
There’s something stunning about a body of people who are united.
In Spirit and purpose.
Of the same mind.
And that’s what I’ve seen in the church in China.
It’s amazing to see the church shine under the same head, all heading the same direction, directing their energies and actions toward the same goal.
The goal of redemption, of making broken people whole, holistically healing through the power of G od.
It’s amazing to see the church united, one body, not differentiated by multiple denominations, and denominations within denominations. There’s no quarrels over who’s right and who how to write the bylaws. There’s just unity. In a country where everything is monitored, they are still bolder than we are, growing rapidly, some would even say exponentially.
It’s incredible the power of a body united, not divided, for a house divided against itself cannot stand. But here they seem to stand together, as a people, a people seeking the reconciliation of a nation.
There are no questions of what church-type, what denomination,  what background you come from, but instead the church is bonded together by love. Something that may be absent in the city culture as a whole. We as foreigners must be as wise as serpents and innocent as doves, but they are bold. They are humble and hunger for more, more understanding of who G od is, but already understanding the power in standing together.
Government churches, house churches, family churches, small groups, pra yer meetings, it’s encouraging.
Encouraging yet humbling.
For I fear the church in America is falling apart.  There are so many issues to cause us to divide. We are blessed with deep Bi blical education, but with that comes the possibility of dissension because of different interpretation. We get caught up in so many things, forgetting what we are even arguing about. We attack instead of encourage.
What if we found common ground, grounded in the deep, unchanging Truths of Chri stianity, united as a body, working out our theology humbly seeking always the direction of G od. What if we stood together as a nation, under G od, driven by an overflow of love, reflection the perfect one, as water reflects the sun. What if we realized we won’t get there, we won’t see every detail, we won’t arrive, but instead of giving up, that caused us to strive together as a body that works together in unity.
Each member doing it’s part, but all working toward the same purpose.
What if we realized that we can unite on the core truths, on Mere Chris tianity.
Imagine if we were united in love. How the world would be.

Because, as I’m learning, there’s something so beautiful about unity.

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