Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life Spoken By Marie

For Laurel
There is beauty bound up in your hands
In your heart
You must let it break free or you will not live
And like the alabaster jar
Broken and bleeding
Yielding and reeling
From the weight and the gravity of it all
The brevity of it all
You will fall and be beautiful
And broken and free
And find release.
My dear.
My friend.
There is peace and joy in the letting go
It is not wasteful to fall
Nor is it promiscuous to love loudly
It is not a mistake to be empty and shattered
Scattered across the floor
You are sweet and not simple
You choose the better thing
If you do it will not be taken
And like the sirens calling out
Your soul and its fragrance will bind the hearts of men
Will draw them and lead them to another sort of end
Capture by love.

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