Saturday, June 14, 2014

This ones for Dad

This ones for Dad.
Well, it's been quite a trip, and the funny thing is that it isn't over yet.
The adventures have just begun, but 6 months of travel has proved to be fun.
An emotional roller coaster at times, with tears of hurt and of joy, new friends, new family, new discoveries, a mountain learned, what more can I ask for?
Studying in another country, learning to see the world as they see, laughing at myself as I fight to master the language, seeing beautiful things and things that bring tears to my eyes
Soccer finals and archuitecture class, turning in my portfolio, taking more finals and hoping I pass, there's always something new to be learned, but I was a little disappointed with the amount I didn't learn in the classroom of the university. But since the world is my classroom, I thank God for the lessons he taught me through the most unexpected means.
Baking cookies with my host mom, eating ice cream with my host sisters, going out with my American classmates, spending time with my Costa Rican friends, sad that this time was coming to an end, but another adventure was immediately to follow, and to the DR I went, to see what would follow.
Filled with ups and downs, tears and laughter, smiles and frowns. Learning to love and appreciate those different from me, hurting with those who hurt, and living in solidarity. Becoming angry with the poverty, frustrated with the reality that my friends here live in, yet thankful for the love they poured out on me and the way they taught me what it means to live selflessly.
Meeting new friends, hard conversations, new experiences, all this is coming to a close as I leave the Dominican Republic this week. But that's not the end of the adventures in Latin America, the adventure continues. So I will relish this moment yet walk forward into the next, learning from each step and growing by the grace of God as he reveals life's depths.

More to come, but Dad asked, so I summarized.

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