Sunday, December 22, 2013


What does it mean to love. To be loved.
Maybe a better question is what is love?
Culture declares that it’s physical infatuation shallowly based on appearance which seems to only lead to a fallow love. Or can that even be called love.
The bible declares God is Love. But what’s that actually MEAN. How can something unseen define a word, a concept, a reality.
Is loving doing nice things, going broke by buying a ring? Whispering sweet nothings into their ear? Is being loved being lavished with gifts and someone willing to do anything so that your frown might lift into a smile?
That may be the definition that those who haven’t experienced more fall back on, but there’s gotta be a deeper definition that reaches the depth of the profundity of this little word.
Maybe love is trust. Trusting enough to let go of yourself. To wholly entrust yourself to another, yielding your right to be your own entity and willingly giving the other the power to build or destroy. Is it the laying down of your will to be intertwined with another so that neither would exist without the other?
Sacrifice? Throwing off the masks you hide behind? Allowing yourself to be fully seen, fully known, and fully loved? What does it mean to be loved. It has to be more than a feeling because feelings are often absent, it must be deeper than the physical body.
Holistic love. That’s the most pure and beautiful. Not separating body and soul, but uniting them under the banner of love. Willingly offering the sharp blade of a knife. One that can be used to guard or to cut.

What is Love.

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