Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quick update

11/6/13 (11/5?)
Well, I made it. Getting to spend time with dear friends before I left was so good. Then a late night followed by an early morning with a dear dear friend who gave up her time to take me to the airport. Everything in a backpack and a carry-on, my brother’s guitar in its duct tape case was my checked bag. The airline I was flying with was the only one with Chinese on the sign and tiny English below. I just got to read and chill at O’Hare for 4+ hours since we got there so early, but it was fascinating watching all the people. It seemed like there were only 10 people who weren’t Chinese on the flight, but when we got to immigration, the lines proved otherwise.
We boarded the plane like sheep being herded into a sheep pen and I found my seat. Next to a kind man who only knew very broken English. Since I’ve been able to communicate, at least minimally, with the people in most of the countries I’ve been to, this was a somewhat unfamiliar experience for me. I wished so badly that I knew Chinese so as to be able to converse with this man, but instead we struggled to find words to express our thoughts. I sought words he would understand and he reached for any words he knew. He works at a Chinese restaurant in Indiana, but was returning home to China. I attempted to speak the few Chinese words and phrases I knew, and he corrected me and taught me some more. As I was surrounded by an unfamiliar language and even somewhat unfamiliar food (chicken, cabbage and rice; pork, noodles and some onion type vegetable; grapefruit and oranges for dessert), excitement and anticipation began to grow in me. I’m really going to China. Literally the other side of the world. 14 hour time difference- talk about jet lag.
My entertainment screen didn’t work, so bits of conversation, 2.5 meals, 2 beautiful playlists, 1.5 books, and some unsuccessful attempted bits of sleep later we arrived in Beijing. I don’t remember the last time I have had motion sickness, but for some reason looking out the window at the blazing lights of the city below made me nauseous.
When we finally landed and stopped, my kind seat-mate waited for me to help me know where to go. We all crammed onto a bus that would take us to the terminal, and when we got there we walked through the maze of passages to immigration.
 I am actually in China. By the Chinese characters and language enveloping me, I could tell I wasn’t in Kansas anymore.
Next was baggage claim, where I waited until I was the last one…and the guitar was nowhere in sight. After inquiring at the baggage inquiry office, I finally located the beat up guitar in the oversized baggage claim.  Then the handle broke.
Through customs and out to where Kozima and the driver were waiting for me! What kind people they are. We started the trip home, but again, I’ve never felt quite that car sick before, so we stopped on the side of the road for a minute, then continued home.
This house is incredible. It’s like a giant U with 2 courtyards in the middle. There are always houseguests and now there are 2 North Koreans, a Spanish speaking mother (Lotus) and her seemingly college age son (Mr. Kim).  Justin had made a dinner of sandwiches and cinnamon apples so we ate together and laughed. I can already tell this is going to be a fun/funny group to live with.  Now it’s after 10 pm here, but in Chicago it’s still just after 8 in the morning.

China. Here I am. And today I’ve decided to embrace you for what you are and humbly learn and grow in your presence. May this time not be a waste, may I not squander it in selfishness, but may it be a fragrant offering full of surprises and beautiful redemption.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laurel. Love this. Love you. Can you tell me an address to where I can mail a letter? I thought about taking ancient medieval philosophy, and how we would enjoy taking it together. So now I am in medical terminology instead. Stay busy and fun (and relatively tall) with your new chinese friends. learn to say things like, "I know the truth" and "where is the bathroom?". xxx
