Eyes widen with uncertainty as he comes out, hearts are
afraid to beat for his sake. Predictions and prejudices are already being made.
But he proves them wrong. He flips what’s expected on its head. As he moves
gracefully, majestically about the room, his body pulsing with the music, his
heart exposed through his movement, the thinking stops. Those watching look on
in mild shock as they are overcome by the sheer beauty of this man. Of this man
they would never admit they naturally thought little of. He glides across the
ground, his strong arms catching her as she comes down. Their motions matching
magnificently in an utterly moving way, bringing tears to the eyes of those who
now know not what to say. His strength and grace now become what define him,
his perfection of movement and power to leave in awe captures them. The
dedication and perseverance this man must have embodied to get here is what
opens the floodgates of tears as he touches a part of the soul many did not
know they had. As this couple’s movements come to an end, there’s really
nothing left to be said. This transforming, inspiring picture of beauty ends
his dance, and looks on balancing strongly on his one leg.