Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Arts.

Today I saw a post about a thing called Canvas Conference. I don’t really have any idea what it is, but I do know this: even the simple notion of a conference that promotes the creativity and beauty of the gospel makes me want to either cry or sing. The raw and profound power found in the creative arts, one expressing her soul through movement or words. All is laid bare as the canvas of choice is beautifully flooded with the bright and passionate bursts of colors beyond imagination.

The genuinity of those who have no other way to convey their impressions, their feelings, their life lessons that they’ve learned either easily or painfully. Maybe it’s that I long to be one of them, able to express myself effectively using a mode of communication that penetrates even the hardest of hearts to allow the seed of beauty to sprout, take root, and utterly wreck that person for both the mundane and living in mendacity.

When the arts break through the Great Wall we build around out precious unarguable logic and reason, inexplicable feelings result. We can’t reason it away. We can’t just ignore it because its power is something we seldom know in this day and age of marked by only that which we can see. The arts have a way of melting ice and revealing vulnerability beneath.

A vulnerability we work our entire lives to cover with actions and achievements and success. We try to cover our true selves by what we do. We betray our true selves in order that we may appear how we perceive others should see us. But the arts are a door for that true self to peek it’s meek head out in the hopes of educing the true selves of others.

Whether it be the movement of the words we choose or the way we move our physical body, whether its through a brush painting or fingers plucking strings, whether its flooded with anguish or filled with ravishing hope, it moves. It moves in a way that little else can. It unites the heart and the mind and reveals aspects our mind would not unlock before.

The arts are what move me. And I hope to fall back in love with them. To make time to experience and to express through them. Because the inexpressible can be conveyed through the simple beauty of creativity.