Saturday, June 27, 2015

So Far.

So many emotions.
So many thoughts.
So many directions.
So many distractions.
Yet I will choose to stop and thank G od.
So far.
So far I have arrived in a new land that I will call home for a year.
So far I have met new people whom I will work with.
So far I have learned along with the students.
About optimism. About forgiveness. About love.
I have been reminded of how far I’ve come from the person I was when I was lucky and free.
I have been reminded that a life of simplicity is all I need.
I have been reminded of how powerful it is to plant a seed.
So far I’ve grown and can feel my heart softening.
I can truly say my love for these people is blossoming.
I’ve explored the streets, smiled at people who stare, seen what it means to truly care.
I’ve tasted incredible new food, as well as food that’s not so good.
I’ve seen the stark contrast between lifestyle in the same neighborhood.
I’ve been discouraged and intimidated, yet hopeful in healing.
I’ve seen students change, a 180, a flip from floor to ceiling.
So far I’ve stepped out and in front of a class of people who are older than me with a stash of wisdom I can’t even fathom.
I’ve seen flowers, green trees, and even black swans.
I’ve run the streets, breathed the pollution and even seen people sweeping dirt lawns.
I’ve enjoyed Mongolian milk tea and cheese; I’ve heard stories of the grassland and even heard strong Mongolians sing.
So far I've been amazed at the trust built in just a few short weeks, resulting in life-giving conversations that happen as G od speaks.
I’ve gone into alley, into stores, and fumbled my way around, attempting to communicate with the little I know, but determined to grow in my Chinese.
I’ve watched and I’ve taught, I’ve gotten very hot, and every day I’ve noticed I get stared at a lot.
I’m learning that failure doesn’t mean stop, but keep on giving a try.
And I was even welcomed with several days of clear blue skies.
So far I’ve been spoiled by grandparents who have taken me under their wing,
I haven’t gotten trapped in my mind, getting crippled by the way I think,
And I’ve even gotten to hear Nancy sing.
So far I’ve had some time with a roommate who loved to talk, I’ve felt the thunder and rain, and I’ve had to find solitude in a very short walk.
So far I’ve eaten mangos with yogurt for breakfast sever times, I’ve stumbled and fallen, but I think I may be learning to fly.
I’m not sure what’s going on inside, and I’m not sure why, but for some reason redemption seems more possible, life more alive.

It’s been a very eventful few weeks as I go along for the ride.